Saturday, March 21, 2009


This past week has been challenging, nonetheless. I had a huge yearbook deadline at school with no cooperation from the computer program I use, grades are due, tests to grade, etc. On top of that, my mom was taken by ambulance to the hospital for having two seizures in one day. She bit her tongue quite badly, and had some minor injuries from falling. She didn't recognize me when I got to the hospital. She swore I was the doctor. She was almost catatonic looking. She would go for what seemed like forever before blinking, she was slumped over to one side, and was odd. She has been in the hospital since Tuesday. A neurologist is seeing her, but doesn't have difinitive answers. I was impressed that the doctor called me (per request) yesterday and talked with me for over five minutes about my questions. I wasn't expecting much, but he far exceeded my expectations.
Today some friends of ours are getting married. A very small ceremony. It at least puts a highlight in my week. Hopefully this spring break week will be better than the last.

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