Friday, June 17, 2011


I'm a bit anxious. My middle daughter is having a very big week next week, after having a whopper of weeks the last two weeks of her existence. Next week I will make a long haul to West Lafayette to drop her off at Purdue University. She will spend three nights and four days there at a throwing camp. (shotput camp) This is the first time she will have ever been away from home like that. I'm a bit nervous on many levels. First, I don't have a clue as to where I'm going. I have only been on Purdue's campus once, and that was with a group of middle school basketball girls to watch a tournament. I didn't drive; we took a bus. In addition, I don't want Cam to be scared or nervous. She'll have a roommate she doesn't know, and she will be far from home. She will also be spending her sixteenth birthday alone there. That kind of bothers me, but we are going to celebrate her birthday on Sunday of next week after she gets home. So, it won't go unnoticed. I wonder what she'll do with her nightly free time? Will she need money for anything? Will she be able to reapply sunscreen if they are outdoors? Will she get along with her roommate? Many questions run through my mind when I think about the whole thing. I know, deep down, that she'll be okay. She is my adaptive daughter. She will adhere to any situation thrown at her, so I think she'll be okay. I just want her to have a good experience. After all, the camp isn't cheap. I want her to walk away with real skills she can use to further her throwing technique and be even better at her craft. And, I hope I don't get lost. Garmin, don't fail me.

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