Monday, October 14, 2013

40 is the new 20?

Well, I made it. I didn't honestly think I would, but I did. I made it to forty.
What I've got to do now is really bang out the items on that Bucket List magnetized to my frig. I mean, I'm not getting any younger. I've got things I need to do!
Who is in this with me? Anyone? Anyone?
I've heard tell that 40 is the new 20. We'll have to see about that.

Monday, October 07, 2013


Today marks yet another life milestone. My middle daughter is getting her senior pictures taken. She, like my oldest daughter, is going to be a rep for Little Blue Owl Photography. Thank goodness it is not raining today like it has the past two days. It is actually chilly and sunny outside. Should be good weather for pictures. I hope all goes well. We are on a week long fall break. We have much to do. Multiple college visits and more. Tomorrow we head to my stomping grounds at IU Bloomington and at the end of the week we drive to North Manchester, Indiana. I am a little nervous about that one. My hopes are that over the course of the next few weeks, Cam steps onto a campus and just feels it...feels that at home feeling like I did when I stepped out of the car in Bloomington for the first time.  That is my hope. Big milestones ahead!