Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Spring Break 09

We didn't go on a dream vacation, we didn't even fly in an airplane. We have, however, spent time with friends. And that's what matters.
We've laughed quite a bit. We've caught up with old friends. We've purchased a baby gift to give to an extremely cute and cuddly newborn of an old high school friend of mine who saw each one of my daughters when they were days old.
Tomorrow we will venture to Bloomington to see the old stomping grounds and have dinner with the girls' old babysitter also known as "Princess". She misses us and we miss her terribly. We'll take pictures. Hopefully it is nice enough to do some walking around campus taking photos. I love to do that. Once I drive into Bloomington on third street, I get a sense of excitement. I love IU. I love the culture there. I love the town of Bloomington. There's just something about it. I'm excited to go tomorrow.

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