Monday, July 24, 2006


I lied - I want to whine about my sidebar info - how in the name of Peter do I get it to come back up to the top? Does any God-forgiven soul out there know? Please help me before I internally combust!


Queen Bug said...

It's down because you added or took something out of the template. Take that out or put it back in, and it'll fix it. I do it all the time. It drives me insane.

I found your blog from your comment on this mom blogs! Is it okay if I add your link to mine?

Nina said...

Absolutely! I'd be honored. Wow, my first link!

Nina said...

Queen Bug:
If you are the one that fixed my sidebar info, you are owed one fat pat on the back. Thank you thank thank you, and thank you.
I can now cross ONE item off of my worry list. Genius!!!!